Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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PROSPERITY: State what is

Prosperous prosperous: Who is in a happy state of success, success. Successful business.

In III John 2 we read: "Beloved, I wish you prosperous in all respects and be in health, as a prosperous state of your soul.

God's desire is to see us prosper. But Christians ignore this desire Dieu.Aujourd 'Today Christians are those who suffer most. They are poor, miserable. Few are those who have the welfare of glory, yet all are called God's son heir to the kingdom.

Jesus told his disciples: "In my Father's house there are many things. "We are heirs of those things. We are under the same protection as Jesus the son of God and this for the love of Jesus Christ.

Today Christians console themselves by saying: "It is the poor who will inherit the kingdom of heaven." My brother is wrong, we are called son of God and we are entitled to the fruits of the kingdom because c This is our right that we have received as Lord and Savior. This is one reason why Jesus told us: "You are no longer of this world." The Christian life is a living paradise (Garden of Delight ...)

prosperity of the Christian lies in six (06 ) elements which are:


V 19 Exodus 23 tells us: "You bring to the house of the LORD thy God, the beginnings of the first fruits of the earth. "

Every Christian must learn to honor the Lord with his property. It's difficult and some
for fear of being seen, do not honor God with their well ..
The Book of Prov. 3 V 9 to 10 says: "Honor the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase. So shall thy barns be filled with plenty and your vats will overflow with new wine "

Some will say they have no assets because they do not consider those goods as they have. My little brother that you honor your God, for in doing this he will be proud of you and multiply your wealth. He is a God of grace and everything he owns. He only wants you recognize these works in your life and you honor it.

Listen to what God says in Psalm 50 V 7 to 15 "Listen, my people! And I'll tell Israel! And I warn you. I am God, your DIEU.Ce not for your sacrifices do I blame you: your burnt offerings are continually before me, I will take no bull from your house nor goats in your pens, because all animals of the forest is mine and all the beasts of the mountains and I know every bird of the mountains, and everything that moves in the field are mine. If I was hungry, I wont say no because the world is mine and all it contains. Do I eat the flesh of bulls? Is - what I drink the blood of goats? Offer sacrifice to God for thanksgiving, and fulfill your vows to the Most High. And call upon me in times of trouble, I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me. "

May God bless you and give you peace of heart. AMEN

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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Isaac Newton (January 4, 1643 - March 31, 17,271) is one of those rare icons of science were not successful in one or two areas but in many. We greet with Newton the same genius Leonardo da Vinci or Pascal, this genius who flew all areas of life and discovers the most complex substances. Newton was particularly (unmarked) in optics, mechanics, mathematics, astronomy and theology, as if all these areas were one if there was a decline to embrace holistically.

In optics, he developed a theory of color based on the observation that a prism breaks white light into a visible spectrum. He also invented the reflecting telescope consists of a concave primary mirror telescope called Newton.

In mechanics, he established the three universal laws of motion which are in fact the principles underlying the great Newton's theory concerning the motion of bodies, a theory that we now call Newtonian mechanics or classical mechanics .

In mathematics, Newton shares with Leibniz's discovery calculus. It is also known for the generalization of the binomial theorem and the invention known as Newton's method for finding approximations to a zero (or root) of a function of one real variable with real values.

Newton showed that the movement of objects on Earth and celestial bodies are governed by the same natural laws based on Kepler's laws of planetary motion, he developed the idea of 'universal gravitation'. His book Philosophy

Naturalis Principia Mathematica is considered a masterpiece in the history of science. It is in it he described universal gravitation, formulated the three laws of motion and laid the foundations of classical mechanics.

What is less known about Newton is that he spent more time studying the Bible as mechanics, mathematics, astronomy and optics combined. Newton could not conceive of a world left to itself, without manager. For him, all was harmony. God created the earth and established physical and spiritual laws. These laws are inflexible in nature. Just as a body is subjected to gravity, sin attracts death. These laws have the same value of inviolability. Newton has been a pioneer in the discovery of these laws but posterity does not seem to want such a work as a whole. A veil seems to hide most of its work. For example this sentence:

"Gravity explains the motions of planets, but it can not explain who set the planets in motion. It is God who governs all things and knows all what exists or may exist. "

He also wrote:

"This magnificent system sun, planets, comets could only exist by the will and the power of an intelligent ... This Being governs all things, and not as a sort of world soul, but as a master over everything, and because of his power he wants to be called "Lord God" or "He who regulates everything [Pantokrator] ... The supreme God is a Being eternal, infinite, perfect in every way. "

For Newton, the vision of a world without God is totally inconceivable, as for Einstein elsewhere. He sees atheism a flight from reality, a breach of scientific honesty. He writes:

"Opposition to religion is called when one professes atheism and idolatry when we practice. Atheism is so senseless and odious to mankind so that There has never been a lot of people to teach. "

Newton has issued an interpretation of the prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John. Note that stood out boldly eusement theologians of his time and never submitted any truth to religious pressure or otherwise. His vision of the Universal Church to the end of time is particularly optimistic

"There must be a separation between the Christians shortly after the time of the Apostles, but in the last days God will destroy the sowers divisive unrepentant, and make a new covenant with his people united. The place of the prophets will be restored and will also become a fundamental character of the true Church. "

Religions Christians have never ceased to be a role divider. Between Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox first and then between all the internal names, the fundamentalist sects ... It should remove each of these religions and the Pharisees troublemakers to keep only the faith of Christians and founding and the new church, the people of God which Newton is the prophet.

It would be difficult to summarize the theological writings of Newton as their complexity is high. We encourage them to look brave Christians. We also encourage men imbued with a superficial atheism consider the advice of a great man like Newton and not to be convinced by science that God does not exist while the latter tends to prove the opposite in its finality.

"The scale of science is Jacob's ladder, it does not end at the feet of God" Einstein

The apostle Paul said

"Should not not you try members of your community? For it is written, chase the evil from among you "

1 Cor 5, 12-13

By Cyril Chamard, ENSGI, Grenoble (France)

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I began to understand, the blank stares, the lack of response, the way one of the children entered the room while I was calling and asked me to take her shopping. In my heart I thought, "but you do not see that I'm on the phone? "

Obviously nobody sees if I'm on the phone or if I'm cooking, or if I sweep the floor or even if I am doing a headstand in the corner, because in fact nobody I sees. I'm invisible. The invisible mother. There are days when I am only a pair of hands, nothing more: "You can fix this myself? "You can hang this? "You can open up this stuff? "

Some days I'm not a pair of hands, I'm not even a human being. I am a clock and I am asked: "What time is it? . "What is the number of the Disney Channel? . I am a taxi that is reserved, "ok, at 17:30 plait."

Surely those hands are those who have kept proper books and those eyes were Studies of History and the brain then received his undergraduate with honors but now they have disappeared into the peanut butter and they have totally disappeared. She leaves, she leaves, she's gone!?

One evening we were gathered at dinner to celebrate the return of England to a friend. Janice returned from a fabulous trip and she kept talking about the hotel where she was staying.

I sat there, watched the others, who were so connected. It was hard not to make comparisons and not feeling sorry for myself fate. I was feeling pretty pathetic, when Janice turned to me holding in his hands a beautifully wrapped package and said: "I brought you this. "It was a book on the great cathedrals of Europe.

I was not sure why she gave me, until I read what she wrote: "To Charlotte, with admiration for the greatness of what you build when nobody sees. "

following days, I started to read, not to devour the book. And I discovered what for me has become fundamental truths that have changed my life, and from which I could shape my life. Nobody can say who built the great cathedrals - there is no information on the names. These workers have given their entire lives for a work they would never see completion.

They made great sacrifices and expected nothing in return. Passion for what they were building their cherished faith and God saw everything.

In the book, there is a legend that tells a rich man came to visit the cathedral during its construction, and he saw a workman carving a tiny bird inside a beam that would be covered by the roof and said
"Nobody will ever see. "And the worker replied," But God sees it. "

I closed the book, feeling that the pieces that I missed were found. It's almost as if I heard God whisper to me: "I see you, Charlotte. I see the sacrifices you make every day, even if nobody else noticed. None of the kindness you have expressed, none of the sequins you have sewn on a garment, no cakes that you put in the oven is too small that I do not notice and I smile. You build a large cathedral, but you still can not see how it will look when completed. "

There are times when being a burden to me truly invisible. But this is not a disease that destroys my life. It is the remedy for that I am not focused on myself.

is the antidote against my strong pride and stubbornness.

I keep the right perspective when I see myself as a great builder.
As a person who happens to work at something she will never see finished, to work on a work on which their name will never be registered. The author the book went so far as to say that today we would never see a cathedral built in our time because there are too few people to sacrifice at this point.

When I think about it, I do not want my son to tell the friend he brings home when he comes home from college for Christmas: "My mother gets up at 4 am and is itself all sorts of cakes, then spend 3 hours basting the turkey, and returns all the linen for the table. That would mean I'd built a chapel or a monument to myself. All I want is that come home.

Then, if there is something to tell his friend, he simply adds: "eh, it will really please you with us. "We

mothers, we are building great cathedrals. It is not clear whether it does well. And one day it may be that the world is amazed not only by seeing what we have built, but seeing the beauty that was added to the world by the sacrifices of invisible women.
Mom, you did a good job.

Share this message with all mothers invisible you know ... I just did.
The will of God never takes you there where the Grace of God will not protect you.

Past By Suzanne Mairet


"God is real whatever your emotional"
It is easy to worship the Lord when all is well in the life and how we love it when everything goes wrong. How do we respond when God seems a million miles away? The deepest level of worship is to praise God despite the pain, to thank him in trial, to trust him when we are tempted to submit to His Lordship in our suffering and love when seems remote. In your relationship with the Lord, you do not always feel close to him: he Will there stockings and high as in the relationship with man. But let him in moments of crisis (when it seems he has abandoned or forgotten), the separation is only apparent, because God is always there. And he puts it "I do not forsake you and will never leave you" but it does not always guarantee that we will feel his face. So the apparent absence of God is an event that is part of the development of your friendship with God. It is painful and disturbing, but very important for the development of your faith. When God seems distant, we sometimes have the impression that he is angry against us or is punishing us for sin. It is true that sin keeps us from being in communion with Him. But often, this feeling of abandonment or distance from God has nothing to do with sin. That is the test of our faith: Do we continue to love God, to believe in him, obey him and worship him, even if we no longer feel his presence and that we do not see more action in our life?
deepen friendship with God
Whenever you do what God says, even without understanding, you deepen the friendship with him . Obedience is a prerequisite the relationship with God "if you love me obey my commandments" there is his friend when he obeys.
We obey God not out of duty, fear, fear or obligation, but because we love him and we believe he knows what is best for us.
Because we love him and we believe he knows what is best for us.
God prefers our simple acts of obedience to our prayers, praise or our offerings. We are often tempted
to accomplish "big things" for God, indeed, God loves it when we do things for him out of love and obedience. The "great opportunities" present themselves once or twice in life but small opportunities available to us every day: let us profit by Luke 2: 51 "Then he descended with them to Nazareth and was obedient to them "and yes, even Jesus was subjected to: follow the model.
Mary White Akono

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Tell me, is this the plan of God?

Genesis: 1 V 27-28

In the beginning God has prescribed orders to man. The man coming to earth was followed by tremendous blessings. All power was conferred. But the taste of sin, he was deprived of that power.

Today you will see that even the threat chicken man, the snake hunting rights. There are even trees that are scary to some. God created man and accepted, putting together blacks and whites. Finally, the choice made by God, has become a crossroads of sin and God decided to drown the earth alive leaving Noah and his family.

In the book of Genesis 11 V 4-4 it says "they said, Come! Build - we a city and a tower whose top may reach heaven and do - make us a name so that we may not be scattered over the face of the earth. "

Tell me, is this the plan of God? No, God said to them: "Go ye disperse and"

But remember that, although they changed their plan was not against God. In the same way today, there are some of our projects that are not in God's plan, but our strength and intelligence, we want this project and God lets us do. God was not against the ideas of these peoples: Create a city and a tower. Indeed this is the genesis of the creation of a city and a tower. We had our

cities: Lomé, Yaoundé, New York, Paris, Quebec City, Berlin, Ouagadougou, Cotonou and other ... You will see very tall buildings or skyscrapers. It is a plan designed at the beginning of the earth by humans, not by God when God told them disperse you.

Also have a popularity as BARACK OBAMA, because God is not against himself was, is and remains God Popularity.

Despite all of this is really God's plan for these people? No, God said to them: go and scatter you. But for them it is building the building.

In verse 7-8, God says: "Come! Down and there confuse their language so they will not understand the language of each other. And the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they ceased building the city. "

Similarly, formulating projects Machiavellian God will always fall because it is not in his plan. By putting these projects on, so we talk about it intervene. Being God of grace descends and becomes furious against us because all projects is not the turmoil in his plan. It is a God of order and not disorder.

Do you have a project? Ask yourself if it is God's plan for you and if it is his intention before you begin. If you want God to be with you anywhere, always seeking His will.

Pray: God, I very much regret to have you offended, always trying to do my will. Father thou art infinitely good and lovable. I am firmly resolved this year, with the help of your holy grace, not to offend in seeking my own will and to do penance. Amen

Fr MENSAVI Koassivi
Lome, Togo

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A Life of Happiness

Every man, every woman has needs. Every man, every woman has weaknesses. Our partner unfortunately not immune to this reality. Love thy neighbor as thyself Jesus says. The greatest service we can render to one who shares our life is to pray for him. In the standard things you're supposed to (e) be the person (the) knows best. You know exactly through which small or big sins with which he has to fight. You're the first (e) to suffer the adverse consequences, and this can leave you indifferent. Often it seems easier to judge and blame as we kneel to intercede on behalf of the another.
You probably know the dreams and aspirations of your spouse for his life. If you have not shared intimacy, which may unfortunately be often the case, you know, despite all its skills and strengths. Maybe he or she is not it currently in place ordained by God. Are you satisfied (e) he or she may not. It is your responsibility to pray that the situation changes. One difficulty with his boss at work, or a disagreement with a colleague, your prayer will be entirely appropriate for God to transform the problem into a blessing.
Everyone has a past. He often left wounds that still seep into the present life. Why not pray that God heals those wounds that cripple your husband or wife. His health is an important point that is important not to overlook. The slightest problem (la) must be lodged on the throne of grace. Pray also for his loyalty ... It is important not?
Every answer to prayer that you get is a blessing to your partner of course, but also a gain for your relationship and thus for your personal life. The most difficult situations, even the most desperate can be transformed through prayer to Jesus. He wants your happiness to both, and it will not fail to answer your queries. Sometimes it takes time before the response is tangible, but pray with perseverance knowing that it will arrive in time perhaps, when you least expect it.
Pray together is also an effective weapon against adversity and situations that you exceed. Unity is strength and creates between the two protagonists harmony and confidence that certainly will affect the lives of every day. Praying together stimulates one's faith. When you receive a reply you twice and you feel encouraged to try new things. Pray together to get directions or instructions of God is very rewarding. When you have received all information from the Holy Place, it You no longer possible to doubt about what you have to undertake.
If you were alone, a personal prayer in one direction, the other `can always doubting your word and push you to question or even disobey. When the situation is clear for everyone, this risk is ousted and the path is well marked There are couples who can not live this dimension of prayer to two because one partner refuses `s shame and deplorable, but in this case, you are cornered (e) to live your spiritual life solo despite your good intentions. Forgive and pray for a change.
By Bernadette Leroux SR - Raupach - OBERKIRCH - Germany

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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Earn the respect and confidence module = articles & category = & id = 196 salaried


Krystian D.

How to earn respect in a business?

In the world we live in, it seems that win to get respect for others ; It is necessary to be tough, even ruthless ... that these skills then awe-inspiring! But it is worth asking if it considers that it derives is real or if these 'qualities' do not create more intimidation or fear, sometimes mingled with contempt.

This is about winning rather than imposing. And the best way to earn respect for our surroundings, but also to gain his trust. The real question to ask is probably this:

How will win the confidence that I will be respected in my company?

Another expression says that trust must be earned. It is the same respect. It remains only to ask:
- What is "trustworthy" in my life, whether in business or in any other context? To what or to whom it myself, I give my confidence?

It comes to understand that if I am to others as I would be with me, then, in the long term, I will earn their trust, so their respect.
Yes, 'In the long term', because there is always a time when others will 'test'. They want to know "what we really are" and if we are sincere, honest our efforts, and this is normal.

- so look in you the qualities you would like to see around you, and make them germinate, grow,

- Spread them around you. In such frame of mind, it is impossible not to earn respect.

- Do not force! Respect comes from trust. The respect you already wear the other ....

- Never forget!

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I have a girlfriend Who calls me and Asks if I Heard From Another girlfriend. Why she wants to Always Know Is Beyond Me to Her With A I answer yes, no gold, gold I Tell Her I Received a vmail from her or I tell her we texted each other. It seems easier for me to text than it is to talk. I really prefer it. I have to tell you, in this day and age of ATMs and electronic voices on the phones, it’s hard to get a voice at all. I was soooo frustrated the other day when I called my doctor’s office and got stuck in (what felt like) a telephone maze of pressing number one, then four, then nine, etc. I was just about ready to stick a fork in my eye when the Holy Spirit took control of my flesh and allowed me to get a flashback. I instantly remembered hearing on the radio about a website that provides ways to get a human voice on the phone when we need one instead of a machine. You ready? It’s . Sometimes you just need to hear a voice to make everything alright!
How about God? I don’t know about you but I get tired of talking to my girlfriends and Charles about my problems. I am certain they get tired of me yapping, yapping, and yapping anyway! They listen and that’s nice but sometimes they offer advice that I don’t want but I know they mean well. I am learning to get on my face and talk to God until I hear from Him. I am also learning that man cannot speak to us the way God can. God has all the right answers that make sense anyway. When God tells us to go someplace or do something, it might not be the direction we necessarily want to go in or the direction we thought our God would send us in but we know that it is the direction that will benefit us and those around us. Jonah could have saved himself some heartache if he had only gone to Nineveh instead of Tarsus in the first place, right? But nooo, Mr. Jonah (like us) followed his own mind instead of the direction of God. Trust me, moving to Jacksonville, Florida was not in my thought process (or in Charles’). After we got here and went to a family reunion; we learned Charles has a bunch of cousins here, he is doing the type of work he likes on a part time basis, we have a beautiful church family, and we are both drawing closer to God together on separate paths. That’s God and I am thankful.
Sometimes you just need to hear the voice of God to make everything alright! My Pastor said on Sunday that in order for us to do what God asks us to do, we have to deny ourselves and draw closer to God and get a better understanding of God’s ways and be willing to follow God because when God asks us to do something, it is gonna seem crazy – God will ask us to bless those that curse us, and love our neighbors, and turn the other cheek, and forgive those that despitefully use us. It is not as difficult to do when we are in relationship with God.
“He who belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God." (John 8:47). Jesus replied, “I have already told you, and you don’t believe me. The proof is the work I do in my Father’s name. But you don’t believe me because you are not my sheep. My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me,” “John 10:24-28).
So many great and wonderful things have already happened to us in our lives, imagine what is in store for us as we continue to learn, stretch and grow closer and closer to God? Mannnn!!! And it’s all good because it is all God! When really good things happen to me when I feel I do not deserve it, I have been saying “its favor and favor ain’t fair”. It made sense to me but a lady posted a spin on that slogan on Facebook the other day. She wrote, “To say favor isn't fair is to say that God is not a just God. Quit jumping on every cliché you hear. Promotion begins with God and ends there too. Our God is a fair God. I am ALWAYS favored as all things work for my good. The unbeliever is subject to God's grace only. So that's sounds pretty fair to me. ” Hmmmm, something else to think about and discuss with other Believers!
By: Sharon Griffin-Rogers
Florida, USA

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In Need of New Direction? Change Your Thoughts ...

“Change your thoughts and change your world.” Norman Vincent Peale

Most psychologists, medical experts, and philosophers agree on one common truth…the power of human thought.

One such researcher, Suzanne Segerstrom, University of Kentucky’s assistant professor of psychology and 2002 winner of the Templeton Prize (psychology’s largest monetary award) has actively researched the effects of positive thinking for over a decade.

According to her research, individuals with optimistic attitudes are healthier, both psychologically and physiologically.

Being optimistic and positive can strengthen your immune system, bring happiness to others, and provide you with that calm assurance that everything is going to be alright.

Of course, this is nothing new. You don’t have to look far back into history to find evidence of this same type of research. Best of all, the Bible very clearly tells us what things we should allow our minds to think on:

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honorable, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.–Philippians 4:8

Negative Thinking is Just a Bad Habit Running Wild

So, if we are in agreement that thoughts produce actions and ultimately have the power to change our lives…how do we get on the path of correct thinking? Old habits are hard to break…Okay, sounds like a cliche, but it’s so true. The way we think and the places we allow our mind to wander off to are nothing more than habits. When we view them as such (as habits), it’s easier to take responsibility for them, and ultimately take action against them.

Here’s an exercise that will help you to break the cycle of negative thinking.
Take it one day at a time (possibly one moment at a time). Examine your thought patterns. The first step is to identify the type of negative thoughts you are entertaining. Here’s a couple you may recognize:

  • The negative thoughts that have no identifiable reason for arriving: Sometimes they just creep in. You can be sitting there, minding your own business; thinking about driving your son to his soccer game, and bam….they hit you. All of a sudden you find yourself thinking about your ex-spouse, ex-boss, or possibly a family member. You think about how they wronged you and you wonder why they are prospering. Then you remember they just went on a cruise. Now you are stewing. Ten minutes later, you are full of negativity. You’ve let bitterness and envy pollute your mind and if you don’t put a stop to it in a hurry, the feelings that you’ve allowed in will take root and grow.

  • The negative thoughts that are reactive: Sometimes negative thoughts arrive as a direct reaction to a situation, an event, or an encounter. Perhaps you’ve just been yelled at by an angry person in traffic. Maybe your spouse made a cutting remark without thinking. Or quite possibly it is more serious, such as the loss of a job, a sick child, or other types of serious life stress. In order to combat this type of negativity, it involves more than just putting your thoughts in check. If you have looming circumstances, it can seem impossible to pull yourself out of negative thinking. That’s where your Creator comes in.

When things come into our lives that are beyond our control it is vital to take a proactive and positive approach. Now, I’m not suggesting that you deny the fact that the problem exists. That would be foolish. But the way to save yourself from hopelessness, pessimism, and confusion are by combating the negativity by using this 3 step method (you’ve heard it before):

1. Accept the things you cannot change. (Things that happened in the past as well as things that other people do, say, or think)

2. Change the things you can. (Staying calm and positive will allow you to have clarity. Clarity will allow you to have creative ideas and understand which situations you are able to change. Lost your job? Stay positive, a better door will open. Relationship in a mess? Peace will allow you to pray for the right answers. The more you walk in peace, the more you’ll be able to recognize what the correct action is.)

3. Know the difference. (Sometimes there are things you can do immediately to solve a problem. Sometimes the answer is to do nothing, remain positive, and trust God to put all the pieces into place.)

Is this way of life easy? Not at first. Especially not if you’ve spent years living negatively. But, you can turn it around. It’s never too late.

Start right where you are, today…right now. Instead of looking at what’s wrong, focus on what’s right. Count your blessings; be thankful, even for the smallest things. It’s your first step on the path of positive thinking. Here’s to a wonderful life!

BY: Jeff Rebarcak Colorado, USA

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An intimate message from God to you

My Child,You may not know me, but I know everything about you. Psalm 139:1
I know when you sit down and when you rise up. Psalm 139:2
I am familiar with all your ways. Psalm 139:3
Even the very hairs on your head are numbered. Matthew 10:29-31
For you were made in my image. Genesis 1:27
In me you live and move and have your being.Acts 17:28
For you are my offspring. Acts 17:28
I knew you even before you were conceived. Jeremiah 1:4-5
I chose you when I planned creation. Ephesians 1:11-12
You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book. Psalm 139:15-16
I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live. Acts 17:26
You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14
I knit you together in your mother's womb. Psalm 139:13
And brought you forth on the day you were born. Psalm 71:6
I have been misrepresented by those who don't know me. John 8:41-44
I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love. 1 John 4:16
And it is my desire to lavish my love on you. 1 John 3:1
Simply because you are my child and I am your Father. 1 John 3:1
I offer you more than your earthly father ever could. Matthew 7:11
For I am the perfect father. Matthew 5:48
Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand. James 1:17
For I am your provider and I meet all your needs. Matthew 6:31-33
My plan for your future has always been filled with hope. Jeremiah 29:11
Because I love you with an everlasting love. Jeremiah 31:3
My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore. Psalms 139:17-18
And I rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17
I will never stop doing good to you. Jeremiah 32:40
For you are my treasured possession. Exodus 19:5
I desire to establish youwith all my heart and all my soul. Jeremiah 32:41
And I want to show you great and marvelous things. Jeremiah 33:3
If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me. Deuteronomy 4:29
Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4
For it is I who gave you those desires. Philippians 2:13
I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine. Ephesians 3:20
For I am your greatest encourager. 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you. Psalm 34:18
As a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you close to my heart. Isaiah 40:11
One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes. Revelation 21:3-4
And I'll take away all the pain you have suffered on this earth. Revelation 21:3-4
I am your Father, and I love you even as I love my son, Jesus. John 17:23
For in Jesus, my love for you is revealed. John 17:26
He is the exact representation of my being. Hebrews 1:3
He came to demonstrate that I am for you, not against you. Romans 8:31
And to tell you that I am not counting your sins. 2 Corinthians 5:18-19
Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled. 2 Corinthians 5:18-19
His death was the ultimate expression of my love for you. 1 John 4:10
I gave up everything I lovedthat I might gain your love. Romans 8:31-32
If you receive the gift of my son Jesus, you receive me. 1 John 2:23
And nothing will ever separate you from my love again. Romans 8:38-39
Come home and I'll throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen. Luke 15:7
I have always been Father, and will always be Father. Ephesians 3:14-15
My question is…Will you be my child? John 1:12-13
I am waiting for you. Luke 15:11-32
Love, Your DadAlmighty God
Father's Love Letter used by permission Father Heart Communications © 1999-2010

Startling Fact About Cystic Fibrosis

praises God and it does the rest

Jocya devoted his life to praise the Lord. She is a loyal member of Karmela. And now she wants to tell us, how God answered the prayers of his marriage and caters to the needs of his servants. Jocya Hello, We are happy to find you Tana for several months already. I remember in 2002 you announced that your husband and you were going to change a city, you were not very motivated to leave. What happened at that time?

Jocya: Indeed, that year in political crisis, my husband was assigned to Fianarantsoa. Find a job there during this period was not obvious to me, but when I sent my resume, I trust that the Lord will provide. With my husband, we prayed that everything goes well and we waited. Your prayer was quickly answered it?

Jocya: Yes. What I did not know is that before I file my application in the company, employees have complained of insufficient staff and overload work. To increase their number, two seats were filled, and therefore I was recruited through God and through one of his servants. After 6 years in Fianarantsoa, your husband was interested in a proposed new post. So you've decided to return to Antananarivo. Apparently the answers to prayers fall on your side as well as his own!

Jocya: Yes, my husband has applied for another job that we find most interesting, but based in Tana. He got the job, so we went to the road in 2002 but in reverse! So, I also asked for a move to the direction of our society, no longer wishing to work at the agency. Those who worked with me made aware of this request mocked or discouraged me by saying "it is impossible to find a place to management unless you know a director or that you're close to someone very well placed, you will work with the agency as those who come from provinces etc. "but I replied" That's what we'll see. " Having already prayed I was confident that God will show the difference between one who serves and who does not serve him. You do not had a second's hesitation that God might not answer your prayer?

Jocya: In fact, that's what happened: June 11, 2008, I received my assignment letter was written "Assigned to the agency! Surprise, I reasoned, saying that if God has decided that, He had his reasons and I thanked him for his determination. But the best is yet to come! ... When I called the Directorate for a few formalities, the personnel manager told me there was an error on this letter ... because I was assigned to the Directorate, within a service that had been created and which began to operate on June 16, two weeks before the date I requested to start Tana! What did you learned from these experiences?

Jocya: Twice (but there were other occasions of course!), God has answered our prayers, and He was true to his word. This proves that in the eyes of men, there was no possibility in the eyes of God, there was a path in the desert! And I also know that this path is not yet complete. TEXT


Monday, December 13, 2010

Heart Gold Freeze Patch

list Mandates of the students expect to benefit from scholarships 2009-2010

The site of the Department of Higher Education, Professional Training and Scientific Research has launched a list of students receiving the scholarship 2009-2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

What Is The Role Of Fire Belly Toads

List of vacation for OFPPT

Friday, October 29, 2010

How To Beat Level 47 On Bloons

The calculation of the average is as follows: For Students of The OFPPT:

Overall average the end of training (average + average crossing modules × 2 + medium theory × 2 + average + average practice × 3 Communications) / 9
With: mean = Communication (Arabic + French + English) / 3

a student who obtained the following notes:
Average pitches: 09/20 Average
modules: 12/20 Average
theory: 08/20
Average practice: 11 / 20
Arabic: 13/20
French: 10/20
English: 07/20
A for GPA: 10.22/20 ---> admitted
are also reminded that: *

Students who obtain exams of completion, an overall average greater than or equal to 09/20 and less than 10/20 will be subject to the deliberations of LCM to decide:

- or to allow them to redouble;
- or exclude them.

* The possibility of repetition is given only once during the training cycle.
* Any student with an average of less than 09/20 examinations of completion is automatically excluded.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bloood Sugar Test 5.2

studying in Germany

I found this article very interesting in Arabic for those that want to continue their studies in Germany

لماذا Choose a university education in Germany

Germany is considered one of modern states and the favorite destination for many students, combining the diverse nature of the German universities Between tradition and modernity. Germany in the university city of more than 300 universities and higher institute. Including centers and Kora for the preparation of academics has a wide range of seminars and presentations, classical, Particularly large number of educational sites with interdisciplinary and practical context. German universities are open to anyone who meets the requirements for admission, "academic freedom" Fundamental principle of an entity of higher education in Germany. For this reason, it does not entail the students pay tuition fees, except in some private school facilities. In addition, there is also the Certain branches of study to supplement the knowledge and continuing education is free.

Germany may be one of the best options currently available to you dear, and this is due to several factors:
1. Not Need to test and do not accept the equation, which gives easy access to the competence compared with the rest of the developed countries, sometimes some counties require a personal interview but will not be Obliged to accept the follow-up in such districts, choices are often multiple, and most districts do not request something like that.
2. All medical specialties are available to foreigners, addition to intimal And its subsidiaries, children and women, it is the only country which allows you to get competitive Kjerahat and terms of reference and in-kind and auricular skin and is not difficult to get them Never.
3. strength of the certificate obtained by the global and are the same for a foreign student and German (Fach Arzt). There are excellent education for foreigners and Germans completely, and no different study Foreign student from the study of German students only in terms of salary, which would be more German students, the certificate acceptable to all the Arab countries and very desirable in the Persian Gulf Those who would like to work there.
4. possibility to study medicine free of charge to students, emerging, and is an opportunity to examine a giant medicine in one of the largest countries in the world for free, this opportunity will help you too In your specialty medical in Germany in terms of higher salary in the major after completion of a study medicine there.
Germany is perhaps the most powerful countries of Europe economically and industrially and scientifically, and enjoy My system is very practical, making the German people is known across the world Banillath severe and strict rules, they are ably machine that does not stop production.
tracking Governments Successive German policy based on technical and technological support, which calls for the promotion of industrial technology in the task and achieve the best conditions for the development of modern techniques useful.
- Language: German
- Currency: Euro
- System: Republican consultant
**************************** ********************

more questions for students

What do you start?
search for information - for: admission requirements, language proficiency required and of course everything has to do with visa and permission to stay. Necessary to be able to demonstrate You speak the German language; the exception of students who intend to study the articles of international

Is it necessary to prove Talk in German

Yes. Of binding to be speaking in German - with the exception of students who intend to study the articles International. You can demonstrate the degree of proficiency of the German language - Whether in Germany or in your home country - through exams experimental

What paperwork

First: visa. There are three types of visas For those wishing to study in Germany, to learn the German language, to get a seat on the course, and to conduct specific

how much money I need for my studies

Germany Country of high prices. But the high or low living expenses is also linked to the city that taught them. Usually do not commit to pay tuition, but with which it could expect expenses Monthly cost of about 700 euros at least

first steps

always be the start of the most difficult thing about it.

comes the beginning of information: It is best to obtain all the necessary information while at home, it is important to also be done sufficiently in advance before you travel. Where you must inquire about conditions of entering the country. Word Password: visa.
German universities open their doors in general for all foreigners wishing to attend who are eligible for admission. This is achieved Affairs Office of the foreign university The availability of these conditions. As for the candidates of the University of graduates is recognized in Germany, they can enroll in the rehabilitation of the study organized by the university.
information can be obtained about the possibility of studying in Germany and the level of language required by the German Academic Exchange. Must provide proof of the availability level Language required to get a chance to study in Germany. This requires a series of performance tests. With the exception of some of these conditions applying to participate in the branch of an international language course English as the language level is a proof is not necessary.


level language

to all who wish to study Germany to improve its level of language. It is also obvious should be familiar with the German language sufficiently before entering the country.
Goethe Institute offers sessions for the study of language as There in Germany, many language institutes as well as provide some support agencies in the German language courses. And received international summer courses organized by universities in the often The desirability of students. Costs range between 300 and 650 euros, and often allow participation by the opportunity to know the country and other scholars during the period of the session, which up to four weeks, As well as provide German radio Deutsche Welle Deutsche Welle free courses to teach the language on the Internet pages. The program translated the beginners German - and why not? To 20 languages.
must Provide proof of knowledge of the German language in the absence of progress for international study. There are several different tests to prove it

************************************* *****************

entering the country


wishing to study in Germany, from non-EU citizens to obtain a visa to enter I. .. With the exception of the citizens of Honduras, Iceland and Liechtenstein emirates, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, Switzerland and the United States of America.
but it will not meet any visa Purpose. Vtocerp eg, tourism can not be converted to a student visa. And thus can not to enter Germany as tourists, to study them. Must also take into account that the word Followed by the word visa. There are three types of visas for foreign students and applicants whom the study obtained:
- Visa study of language, which can not be converted to Another type.
- visa applicants to study and duration of three months and granted to those who had not already received the benefit by accepting at a German university, and must be converted as soon as possible A visa to study for a year Vuralhsol the approval of the university.
- student visas and apply for a year and can not be obtained only with the acceptance of papers in one of the German universities As well as providing proof of residence financially secure.
and when applying for a student visa must provide the following documents:
- a valid passport
- photographs
- Certificate of Completion Secondary school qualifying for university (German secondary school certificate or its equivalent)
- certificates of completion grades Almojtazp the submission of the request
- proof of insurance Full financial accommodation during any one-year
requires to obtain a visa to study in a university admission papers. Often enough that it received a statement the university papers Requested an update of the study.
submit visa applications to either the German Embassy or Consulate to the German homeland .. It is advisable to be done in advance of Sufficient. Can query on the conditions of the visa application at the offices of German representation abroad.
For more information

************************************** *********

seat mode


desks for foreign applicants granted academic office for foreign students at the university concerned. Students must submit their applications accepted until no later than 15 January of each year for the summer semester (which starts in the first of April) until no later than 15 July for Semester Winter (which starts in the first of October).

applicants to attach their request the following documents:

* certified copy of the eligibility of college Secondary school certificate or foreign
* Translation of Secondary School Certificate (prepared by a sworn translator)
* Picture Card personal
* biography contains precise data on the educational path (Schools visited, exams provided etc.)
* proof on the study of former university, if available
* language certificate to prove the necessary knowledge in German
* A certified copy of the certificate of verification test of the validity of the certificate provided by the secondary (internal link to the stage of rehabilitation before entering the university), including the topics of study and detection of the signs, If this had been submitted.

academic office for foreign students go to the first address of applicants for the study of aliens. It offers advice to students on matters related to Undergraduate study them and verify their eligibility to attend German universities, and admission to university study. Academic offices for foreign students is found in every university Of German universities.

of the decision and in a pilot project to establish "the Office of Services to accept foreign students" from the winter semester 2004/2005 and his efforts to reduce Management of universities, so that the checks from "the ability to accept" the requests of foreign hand formal

The "Central Office of granting academic seats" (zvs) Vilab A special role. Because it cares about the administrative affairs of the school seats in certain branches of study, such as medicine, for example, and the distribution of students to study possible sites. Concerned with the study European Union countries to register themselves for these branches of study at the Central Office of granting seats to the school directly, while the rest of the students who provide all their requests to the Academic counseling for foreign students.

can German universities since the winter semester 2000/2001 and in disciplines that are subject to acceptance of restricted federal Choose 24 percent of the students in the scope of a conversation with them. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for candidates in personal meetings with university professors in order to explain what drives them to study the subject Who seek him and prove to them certain capacities, does not seem to clear that amount in the General Certificate of Secondary Education. As we find now, along with desks granted by the Central Bureau To give the seminar classroom seats racing seats are subject to increasingly accept restricted local universities that choose to put students through the talks to accept them. This applies to the branches of study At universities and institutions of higher specialist alike.

Important: The notification of acceptance does not give the student the right to university courses only. All applicants Who need a visa (internal link) for the establishment of scholarships for the purposes of notification of acceptance attached to the request visa

*********************** ***********************************

offers courses

Find offers courses

characterized Sciences offers undergraduate education in Germany, where defense The branches of multiple start menu specialties of Education to raise the curiosity and expiring offers educational know the next course of Animal Science, offering German universities more Than 11 thousand educational specialization.
To assist students in finding the correct specialization provided by the Conference of University Presidents
(HRK), which is the association representing all recognized universities in Germany, offers of Through its website: Higher Education Compas
which includes banks, information that is periodically updated with the ability to search for offers basic academic disciplines and graduate studies.

Offers basic studies

The school offers basic require access to the plenary of the second certificate (baccalaureate), also imposes some Academic disciplines to the next by the need to end the period of practical training or pass the entrance exam in particular, through which test the artistic talents of the applicants.


requires graduate programs typically get on the next to join the prior Degrees relevant section is intended scientific or practical training in the same area. It should be noted that the postgraduate aimed at students who wish to develop knowledge in Continue their education in specific areas of the previous studies.


models for some universities


Juri -Gagarin-Ring 152 99084 Erfurt

تلفون: +49 (0) 361 65 31 20 10
فاكس: +49 (0) 361 65 31 20 11

بريد إلكتروني / ايميل:

عنوان الإنترنت:


there Hochschule Stuttgart

Maybachstra? E 18
70469 Stuttgart

Tel: 0800 2255888
Fax: +49 (0) 711 81 49 59 99

e-mail / Mail:

Internet address:


accadis Hochschule Bad Homburg

Du Pont-Stra e 4 61352 Bad Homburg

تلفون: + 49 (0) 6172 9 84 20
فاكس: +49 (0) 6172 98 42 20

بريد إلكتروني/ ايميل:

عنوان الإنترنت:

Alice-Salomon-Fachhochschule Berlin

Alice-Salomon-Platz 5
12627 Berlin

تلفون: +49 (0) 30 99 24 50
فاكس: +49 (0) 30 99 24 52 45

بريد إلكتروني/ ايميل:

Internet address:

********************* *******

Your major road in Germany ..

Dear student, you should be aware that when you Mamo, Germany, specializes in three possibilities:

1 . You get the work systems (job ) With a salary Palmhvy imposed since the beginning (3-4 thousand euros per month) and that the competence of a doctor, and this opportunity is rare and very specific to the Germans, the former could have been obtained for non-Germans With difficulty, while new laws have Hsrtha Germans.

2. You get the so-called doctor guest with the so-called half of the posts, (here you need for each Procedures of licensing and other) and is also the former in terms of the situation, but without a salary in the beginning because it is required here to have a government scholarship or from a private foundation (grant formal sham Quite sufficient), while you are entitled to salary and later according to an assessment for you, Professor (contract comes in the words that you will work without a salary but does not come when the words that you are entitled to Salary in the future).

3. Admission to hospital, you doctor you are guest (Gast Arzt) which means that you only come to learn and training in this hospital does not want any salary, here Need a grant, whether governmental or private, of course, but here certainly will not get a salary, and therefore not doing the work permit, etc, and of course this opportunity does not recommended it is never more training and experience Of being a jurisdiction.

most Arab students to go and according to the opportunity the second (half the job) is Alovsal course and is There is much needed in Germany, the first being the monopoly of the Germans, the third, I wanted to mention her because she and I had during the e-mail me and you may experience, because they may offer you the hospital Training has to take place without a work permit and this is good ..

Monday, October 11, 2010

Indiana Driver's Licence Template

God has not changed to sit

There are people on the pretext that they are under grace, believe that they can live anyhow.

Others give the illusion to believe that they can not lose salvation, therefore, whatever they are or become, God will be with them always. But NO!

God is Just in His judgments. It will not clear the guilty (Ex.34 / 7). God is no respecter of persons but in every place, all those who do His will and walking according to His Word are His delight.


Apoc.16 / 5: "You're Right, You're, and who was, You're Holy ...".

God has not changed to sit

When God revealed himself to Moses, He has shown he is different from all the gods (who are actually evil spirits) that it has been in the court of Pharaoh.

God has marked its difference by showing him that where he stands is holy ground.

Ex: "God said, Draw not nigh hither, put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.".

"Who said," Stand back, Do not come near me because I am holy !...". Es.65 / 5

Unfortunately for many this is no longer the case: "When this people approached me, he honored the mouth and lips, but their heart is far from me, and fear he has of me is a precept of human tradition. "Es.29 / 13

God denounces the hypocrisy of those who say they belong to Him.
In Isaiah, God revealed his holiness. Angels Isaiah saw were all screaming: "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts" and not "Almighty, Almighty, Almighty is the Lord of Hosts.".

To tell anyone who should serve God to be conscious of His Holiness. Often we are attracted by the power of God, we're amazed, but for God, HIS SERVANT TO KNOW THAT IS HOLY AND 3 TIMES ST.
Es.6/1-3 :"... I saw the Lord sitting ... seraphim saying, HOLY, HOLY, HOLY IS THE LORD OF THE ARMED !..."

God did not change yesterday, it will not change today.
Many find that times have changed. There are things that did not exist yesterday, who are here today and thus God can understand them when they fall into sin.
God knows that and he said: "Be holy because I am holy, I the LORD." Lev.19 / 2

God wants to be glorified in his saints, all those who are in Jesus Christ, but unfortunately today, just have a group of young men and girls or men and women behind the backs of some members engage in acts of sin, immorality, to adultery or other.
God has not changed. He loves His Church. He punishes or punish certainly troublemakers.
Ananias and Sapphira his wife have decided to lie. At first it was "a little lie." They took on the sale price of their property a little money but went to tell Peter that it was the entire sale. God has struck dead because they lie. (Act.5/1-11).

Today we lie to the Christian assembly, lying to everyone and we are lying himself. And since we are not struck dead, as if God were again saw nothing.
God is a consuming fire. Attention then !!!!!!!
Sin separates us the Glory of God. It prevents God to hear us and bless us, so it should be noted that the patience of God should compel you to repentance.

Text written by:
Fortune Balet
Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire

How To Make A Cake With A Motor

license has professinelle Berchid

Deadline for Submission of training is on: 20/10/2010

School of Technology Berrechid (ESTB) is an institution of higher education to regular access by part of the University Hassan 1.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Can You Rub Cocaine On Your Gums

Trades Offshoring in Morocco Exchange students in Morocco

The OFPPT launches free skills training in the trades of offshoring in collaboration with the Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers (CNAM) - Paris, in the following sectors:

  • Administrator Database;
  • Park Administrator PC
  • Personnel Officer;
  • Offshore Accounting Standards and International French;
  • Production Designer JAVA J2EE Developer
  • on Mainframe Systems;
  • Operator Sales and Client Service Offshore ;
  • Help Desk Technician, Technician
  • LAN WAN (Cisco) Certified Network Technician
  • ;
  • Advisor TV Call Centers.

The training duration is 6 months.

Candidates interested must have:

  • Bac +2 or equivalent education, public or private
  • -Levels for the sector TSR Call Center

Many of these courses are awarded a certificate of CNAM-Paris

Saturday, October 2, 2010

How To Interest Scorpio

Gods Big Neighborhood

Good Morning Neighbors,

My manager at work is Lindy Went a business trip halfway around The World SEVERAL months ago. She Spent Time With Our colleagues in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Australia. There Is a new manager in that region and she had to go “show him the ropes”. Since she was born in the Philippians she decided to add a vacation to her trip to visit family and friends while in Asia.

She came back with gifts and gave me a black crystal bracelet. It is beautiful and dainty and I wear it every day.
Going from Jacksonville to Asia is a lot of flying – a lot of miles. On her way back home, she was on the plane somewhere between Detroit and Jacksonville (bored and tired) when she looked out of the airplane window. There were magnificent clouds all around far beyond her human eyesight. All she thought about was God. Where was He in all of that awesomeness? What a sea of peaceful clouds. "Could this possibly be what heaven looks like?", she pondered. No birds, no people, no wars, no animals, no bills, no job, no sickness, not worries; none of that - just Lindy, the clouds, and God! She imagined herself lying on the clouds. It was heaven out there. She took out her camera. Click, click, click, and click. Can one preserve this feeling in a camera? They say a picture can speak a thousand words but this was something that could not be explained.
Lindy had the cloud pictures developed and hung one on the wall in her office. I imagine when work is its busiest, she looks at the picture of clouds on the wall and feels the peace that surpasses all understanding and draws the strength it takes to endure and complete all of the tasks assigned to her using strength and brainpower that God provides.

God is everywhere all the time and we know that. But how can we see God? My mother used to play a record over and over when I was a kid. It’s called “I Believe. The Minister of Music, Carolyn Bonaparte from my home church in Queens NY used to sing it too. I believe the words of this song will help us to know when we see God: Neighbours, remember this, although we cannot “see” God with our natural eye; rest assured, He can see us. One of my favourite scriptures is David speaking to God in

Psalm 139:7-12 “Is there anyplace I can go to avoid your Spirit? To be out of your sight? If I climb to the sky, you're there! If I go underground, you're there! If I flew on morning's wings to the far western horizon, you’d find me in a minute— you’re already there waiting! Then I said to myself, "Oh, he even sees me in the dark! At night I'm immersed in the light!" It's a fact: darkness isn't dark to you; night and day, darkness and light, they're all the same to you.”

What a mighty God we serve!
By Sharon Griffin - Rogers
Jacksonville - Florida