In optics, he developed a theory of color based on the observation that a prism breaks white light into a visible spectrum. He also invented the reflecting telescope consists of a concave primary mirror telescope called Newton.
In mechanics, he established the three universal laws of motion which are in fact the principles underlying the great Newton's theory concerning the motion of bodies, a theory that we now call Newtonian mechanics or classical mechanics .
In mathematics, Newton shares with Leibniz's discovery calculus. It is also known for the generalization of the binomial theorem and the invention known as Newton's method for finding approximations to a zero (or root) of a function of one real variable with real values.
Newton showed that the movement of objects on Earth and celestial bodies are governed by the same natural laws based on Kepler's laws of planetary motion, he developed the idea of 'universal gravitation'. His book Philosophy
Naturalis Principia Mathematica is considered a masterpiece in the history of science. It is in it he described universal gravitation, formulated the three laws of motion and laid the foundations of classical mechanics.
What is less known about Newton is that he spent more time studying the Bible as mechanics, mathematics, astronomy and optics combined. Newton could not conceive of a world left to itself, without manager. For him, all was harmony. God created the earth and established physical and spiritual laws. These laws are inflexible in nature. Just as a body is subjected to gravity, sin attracts death. These laws have the same value of inviolability. Newton has been a pioneer in the discovery of these laws but posterity does not seem to want such a work as a whole. A veil seems to hide most of its work. For example this sentence:

"Gravity explains the motions of planets, but it can not explain who set the planets in motion. It is God who governs all things and knows all what exists or may exist. "
He also wrote:
"This magnificent system sun, planets, comets could only exist by the will and the power of an intelligent ... This Being governs all things, and not as a sort of world soul, but as a master over everything, and because of his power he wants to be called "Lord God" or "He who regulates everything [Pantokrator] ... The supreme God is a Being eternal, infinite, perfect in every way. "
For Newton, the vision of a world without God is totally inconceivable, as for Einstein elsewhere. He sees atheism a flight from reality, a breach of scientific honesty. He writes:
"Opposition to religion is called when one professes atheism and idolatry when we practice. Atheism is so senseless and odious to mankind so that There has never been a lot of people to teach. "
Newton has issued an interpretation of the prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John. Note that stood out boldly eusement theologians of his time and never submitted any truth to religious pressure or otherwise. His vision of the Universal Church to the end of time is particularly optimistic
"There must be a separation between the Christians shortly after the time of the Apostles, but in the last days God will destroy the sowers divisive unrepentant, and make a new covenant with his people united. The place of the prophets will be restored and will also become a fundamental character of the true Church. "
Religions Christians have never ceased to be a role divider. Between Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox first and then between all the internal names, the fundamentalist sects ... It should remove each of these religions and the Pharisees troublemakers to keep only the faith of Christians and founding and the new church, the people of God which Newton is the prophet.
It would be difficult to summarize the theological writings of Newton as their complexity is high. We encourage them to look brave Christians. We also encourage men imbued with a superficial atheism consider the advice of a great man like Newton and not to be convinced by science that God does not exist while the latter tends to prove the opposite in its finality.
"The scale of science is Jacob's ladder, it does not end at the feet of God" Einstein
The apostle Paul said
"Should not not you try members of your community? For it is written, chase the evil from among you "
1 Cor 5, 12-13
By Cyril Chamard, ENSGI, Grenoble (France)
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