In the beginning God has prescribed orders to man. The man coming to earth was followed by tremendous blessings. All power was conferred. But the taste of sin, he was deprived of that power.
Today you will see that even the threat chicken man, the snake hunting rights. There are even trees that are scary to some. God created man and accepted, putting together blacks and whites. Finally, the choice made by God, has become a crossroads of sin and God decided to drown the earth alive leaving Noah and his family.
In the book of Genesis 11 V 4-4 it says "they said, Come! Build - we a city and a tower whose top may reach heaven and do - make us a name so that we may not be scattered over the face of the earth. "
Tell me, is this the plan of God? No, God said to them: "Go ye disperse and"
But remember that, although they changed their plan was not against God. In the same way today, there are some of our projects that are not in God's plan, but our strength and intelligence, we want this project and God lets us do. God was not against the ideas of these peoples: Create a city and a tower. Indeed this is the genesis of the creation of a city and a tower. We had our
cities: Lomé, Yaoundé, New York, Paris, Quebec City, Berlin, Ouagadougou, Cotonou and other ... You will see very tall buildings or skyscrapers. It is a plan designed at the beginning of the earth by humans, not by God when God told them disperse you.
Also have a popularity as BARACK OBAMA, because God is not against himself was, is and remains God Popularity.
Despite all of this is really God's plan for these people? No, God said to them: go and scatter you. But for them it is building the building.
In verse 7-8, God says: "Come! Down and there confuse their language so they will not understand the language of each other. And the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they ceased building the city. "
Similarly, formulating projects Machiavellian God will always fall because it is not in his plan. By putting these projects on, so we talk about it intervene. Being God of grace descends and becomes furious against us because all projects is not the turmoil in his plan. It is a God of order and not disorder.
Do you have a project? Ask yourself if it is God's plan for you and if it is his intention before you begin. If you want God to be with you anywhere, always seeking His will.
Pray: God, I very much regret to have you offended, always trying to do my will. Father thou art infinitely good and lovable. I am firmly resolved this year, with the help of your holy grace, not to offend in seeking my own will and to do penance. Amen
Fr MENSAVI Koassivi
Lome, Togo
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