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Krystian D.
How to earn respect in a business?
In the world we live in, it seems that win to get respect for others ; It is necessary to be tough, even ruthless ... that these skills then awe-inspiring! But it is worth asking if it considers that it derives is real or if these 'qualities' do not create more intimidation or fear, sometimes mingled with contempt.
This is about winning rather than imposing. And the best way to earn respect for our surroundings, but also to gain his trust. The real question to ask is probably this:
How will win the confidence that I will be respected in my company?
Another expression says that trust must be earned. It is the same respect. It remains only to ask:
- What is "trustworthy" in my life, whether in business or in any other context? To what or to whom it myself, I give my confidence?
It comes to understand that if I am to others as I would be with me, then, in the long term, I will earn their trust, so their respect.
Yes, 'In the long term', because there is always a time when others will 'test'. They want to know "what we really are" and if we are sincere, honest our efforts, and this is normal.
- so look in you the qualities you would like to see around you, and make them germinate, grow,
- Spread them around you. In such frame of mind, it is impossible not to earn respect.
- Do not force! Respect comes from trust. The respect you already wear the other ....
- Never forget!
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