Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Bloons Tower Defense Ipod Cheats

Disciple encourages

We need, regardless of strength or capacity, be encouraged at the time of our life or more precisely, at any time in our Christian life by others. We too are called to encourage them in return.

But is shocking, bitter, disturbing and disappointing. It's sad not many people really know how to encourage. It is a truth. We give glory to God for those who encourage his people. We also pray that He still arouses among his children, people who are willing to encourage and support.

May the Lord make us all capable of being an instrument of encouragement for his people. Amen!

Several hands have become languid and many knees are weak among the people of God. It's time to encourage them to continue and they are strengthening their glorious march.

Calling the apostle Paul is clear about this: "Wherefore lift your drooping hands and your weak knees, with your feet and follow straight paths, so that what is lame may not, but rather be healed . Hebrews 12 v 12 and 13.

The message is clear: encouraging is recommended. Each of us must bend the knee and ask the Lord to grant him the grace to be able to encourage and strengthen the brothers and sisters in faith .. The Lord is ready to do so. We have confidence he will do this because it's his call and his will for us.

1 John 5 v 15 "The Lord God has taught me what I must say that I know with what words I will support the doubtful. Every morning he woke up, he learns to listen to me, as a must listen the disciples. " Isaiah 50 v 4 (standard French). With these words that the prophet Isaiah tells us how the Lord has affected her life and made it capable of supporting "the doubtful" or that is slaughtered. The first time I found this passage from the Bible, I raised my voice to the Lord to ask (Claim) that grace he has given to Isaiah, for I am convinced that this is also his desire for me to encourage others and be encouraged by them. The Lord has heard my prayer! That's what I found, and it's true. He wants to do it for you too! The consequences of the lack of incentives are serious, sometimes irreversible and regrettable. They not only affect those who don 'have not, although both those who did not encourage others. If we have a duty to reprimand, we also need to encourage people at the right time (Brothers, sisters ...) discouraged, weak, troubled or desperate. This is important.

"We exhort you, brethren, warn those who live in chaos, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all." 1 Thessalonians 5 v 14

Tell those who live in the disorder. Comfort those who are killed. Support the weak. Exercise patience with tous.Telles are vibrant recommendations that emerge from this passage. We must learn to encourage people in what God approves. This is useful and necessary. The Lord Jesus Christ is our model. His example should inspire us. He encouraged wonderfully and efficiently many people during his ministry. He knew these people needed encouragement to move beyond the face of life's trials. "Take courage, my child ..." With these words he spoke to the paralytic in the book of Matthew 9 v 2.

just imagine the effect of this unexpected speech and warm in the heart bruised and weakened man's despair. You are certainly convinced that the impact has been positive. People of God, our heart, instead of being a source of foul and venomous messages discouraging neutralizing fragrance should be a source and endless encouragement to all people (Christian or not). That 's why the brother Paul exhorts us in these words in Colossians 3 v 16: "Let the word of Christ dwell in you in all its richness, educate yourself and admonishing one another" To encourage others, it is clear that our heart must be filled with the Word of Christ in all its richness. This Word is alive and effective.

It restores the soul broken and desperate. The promotion gives anyone the ability to receive support, to overcome or cope with difficult circumstances. These circumstances vary from person to another. Multiple winners that we admire, were at one point in their lives encouraged by someone. That is what someone does God call him to be for others. David has been fortified by Jonathan, son of King Saul in a terrible moment of his walk with the Lord. Jonathan knew that David was to be fortified, and he went to find him in his hiding place to support it, ie, to encourage him.

The Bible says in 1 Samuel 23 v 16-17: "It was then that Jonathan, Saul's son, got up and went to David in the forest. He fortified his confidence in God and said: "Never fear, because the hand Saul, my father, not find you. You reign over Israel, and I'll be next to you, Saul my father knows it too. They both made a covenant before the Lord, David remained in the forest, and Jonathan went home. "David later became a winner. This encouragement of his friend played a significant role in his life. Let us be confident that our incentives will be the winners. We can do so by our actions, our words edifying and comforting, and sometimes our presence, our silence. Let us be powerful tools of encouragement in the hands of the Lord wherever we are.

"What I do not praise, is that you come together not for the better, but for the worse." 1Corinthiens11 v 17 These words come from the mouth of Paul. He did not hesitate to encourage the brethren at all times This time, his language has changed, but its goal remains the same: to motivate the brothers to come together to become better people and discourage them from coming together for the worse. The Bible reveals so unequivocally, the substantial nature of encouragement. We see God the practice to its people, and men encourage their peers or self-promote. Therefore imitate these winners! We end this exhortation by This retention and comforting words of our Lord Jesus Christ: "I told you these things, so you have peace in me. You will have trouble in the world, but take heart I have overcome the world. "

Jean16 v 33 we have included a few things?

It's time to act. Let that encourage followers.

Albert Komlan Anyinefa
Email: anyinefak@yahoo.fr


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