Dennis Fisher
2 Corinthians 2.14-17
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
- Romans 12.21
Exodus 4-6 Matthew 14.22-36
In Greek mythology, Nike was the goddess of victory. She fought on the side of the Olympian gods, and won the victory over the mighty Titans. Accordingly, it has become a symbol of victory. But the powers of Nike were not confined to war. She also became a goddess favorite athletes who wanted to win the competitions. The Romans adopted their religion and gave it the Latin name of Victoria.
In the Greco-Roman world where Paul taught, the victory was greatly understated. So when he expressed the Christian truth, he used words that the audience could understand. In his letters he describes Christ as one who walks in our head in a triumphant military parade (2 Cor 2.14-17) and compares the Christian life to an athlete training for the Olympic Games of Antiquity (1 Cor 9:24-27).
Paul also uses the word "victory" in connection with our struggle against those who hurt us intentionally. "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome [me win on] the evil with good" (Romans 12.21). This may mean returning good for evil or set limits respectfully evil. In both cases, an attitude of love can be generated by our own forces. But in Christ we have a divine power that the ancient pagans could only wish. Jesus Christ is the true God of victory. - HDF
2011 RBC Ministries All Rights Reserved Permission
RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids Michigan USA
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