God moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform; He plants His footsteps in the sea, And rides upon the storm. (William Cowper)
It took Noah a long time to build the ark (read Genesis, chapter 6). It did not rain during the entire time Noah was building, but Noah continued to build. Imagine how Noah’s neighbors laughed and ridiculed him. The bible never said Noah had a bad attitude either. Noah was obedient to God because Noah had faith and knew things would turn out well for him.
How about when a recruiter sends you to an interview and everything goes well.
You know you landed the job because they called you back for several follow-up interviews. One guy was so impressed with you that he almost slipped and told you that you got the job. Then 4 weeks later you get a call from the recruiter telling you, “Sorry but it just was not a fit". What do you do? Do you trust God or do you call the folks at that job to give them a piece of your mind? How dare they get your hopes up? ... Are you second guessing your Creator?
How about when you put a bid on a home and all is going well. You don't want to get your hopes up because you have been disappointed before. It's the day before the bid is to be sealed and you know you got the home. You start planning. You realize that your furniture will fit perfectly. There is a cross on the wall in the house which is a clear indication to you that the house is yours. Then 3 hours before the bid is sealed, the seller backs out. What should you do? Should you knock on the door and let those Indian-givers have it? . . . . . Why not let God work that out?
How about you meet the perfect someone, everything is right and then all of a sudden the person says, "I'm just not into you". “Not into me”, you wonder? “After I spent 3 months of my life pretending to be just what you wanted”? “So what if I slipped and you saw the real side of me; is that really a reason to break up with me?”, you think to yourself. . . . .
The dumper and the dumpee could both use a little Godly intervention.
When these situations occur, lightning might not strike or thunder may not roll like in Noah's life, but you know God is working on your behalf. You just know it. As believers, we know there are no coincidences with God. We are to rejoice and thank God for saving us from something (because He always does). That job you did not get is just a stepping stone for a great career ahead. There is a different job available for you that is a perfect fit for you. That home that went to someone with a higher bid was probably over priced and your affordable dream home is within reach. Oh, and that person that dumped you. .. Humph, that person could have been a serial killer, con artist or a whacko. Who knows? God knows. There are mysteries of God. We don't know why God does what he does but we do know that He is our protector who sometimes allows roadblocks to get in our way to help us avoid accidents or situations.
My life has been a whirlwind of amazing occurrences (some sad, most happy) which I will continue to share with you. Through it all, I have learned not to question God. Knowing that His Hand is over my life gives me the same comfort level a newborn baby feels when she is in her mother's arms (hmmmm, guess that is why people say we are born again!). There are blessings in trusting Jesus. (I live by the words of the song: Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus; just to take Him at His Word . . . .)
“And He was saying to them, "To you has been given the mystery of the kingdom of God, but those who are outside get everything in parables” (Mark 4:11) We are about to enter a New Year. We usually set goals. If our #1 goal is to make a conscience effort to rust Jesus; I believe everything else will fall into place. I have been going off course these last few months but there is no reason I can’t just stop here, review my goals and keep on trucking up the King’s highway.
Sharon Griffin Rogers
Jacksonville Florida
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