Part 2 attacks of Satan against the Christian church and how to overcome Part 1
There is a spiritual war that began in the Kingdom of God before the foundation of the earth and before the creation of man.
This war is between God and Satan. (Isaiah 14/12-23, 28/11-19 Ez).
It continues to this day. en.3/15 speaks of the continuing enmity between the serpent and the seed of the woman.
Since Abel, the first martyr of the faith in God, to this day, Satan seeks to weaken if not paralyze, to prevent and destroy everything that is used to the Glory of God. He wants to destroy everything that is from God. He even wants to take away the idea of God on earth.
Jesus Christ said: "The thief (Satan) comes only to steal and kill and destroy ..." Jn10/10
Whether we realize it or not, when we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord Everyday, we declare ourselves enemies Satan and his works.
Satan attacks the true children of God, those who constitute the Church of Jesus Christ. (Matth16/16-19). Unfortunately many try to fight a battle liabilities by saying: "I just believe the Lord and I do not know Satan. "
This is not what our God tells us, He asks us to be strong, to stand up, resist, to stand firm and take over.
Every Christian must fight the Devil individually.
I'm not the devil spirit to preach but the Bible encourages us not to be ignorant. Every fighter needs to know his opponent seriously. (2Cor2/11).
Satan attacks the Church Christian and we have no right to remain silent and do nothing. We must respond according to God. Amen.
There are things that happen and who should not leave us indifferent
* How to understand that a pastor assigned to a local church, arrived there and removes the individual fasting and prayers, the prayer vigils of various groups Working up in the church?
* How to understand a local church denies the spiritual gifts under the pretext of avoiding heresies? * How
not be surprised to see some despise the servants of God in a language more or less veiled The Holy Spirit, whom God sent to lead us ?.....
face of all this why not call the Children of God and tell them to be careful because Satan is behind all these actions.
Satan attacks the Church of Jesus Christ. It has certainly made great progress in some local churches, is about to enter others.
What are his attacks? How to overcome?
These are the points of our article today.
Let us all know that Satan is a real enemy, alive and active.
Although we do not think Satan is serious combat in which it is engaged cons The Church of Jesus Christ.
His attacks are numerous, but still have the same goal that is clear the idea of God on earth.
His attacks are on two fronts: it attacks us from within and also outside.
Here are a few:
1 / Satan is the head
He is responsible for the various Christian assemblies.
He wants to touch the sheep herders to disperse, so that they also result in their downfall. Here
its strategy: "I will smite the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered." Matth26/31
The Kingdom satan is organized so that it affects one or more demons behind a servant (or handmaid) of God. This daemon is responsible for the study, to know its strength and weakness and finally see how to do this fall and do sin against God;
Only sin alienates us from God. And Satan knows it. It will push you to finally end you sin against God.
We must lead a life of righteousness and holiness before God and men in all our behaviors and thoughts.
life of justice and holiness gives authority to our ministry and our prayer life.
Here the priest could not speak to Satan or exercise a ministry of authority as his clothes were dirty.
Satan uses every means in his power to achieve this goal: Bringing Down the shepherd and then take care of the sheep.
2/The insider attacks are often very subtle
* Here the wolf dressed in sheep to kill without being noticed.
Matth7/15: "Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly from them what are ravening wolves."
There is a group of people who do not seek to win sinners to Jesus Christ, but they introduced into the assemblies to hijack the faith of brothers.
They come with the same tactic the serpent of Genesis: "Is God's Word she actually said this or that ...."
They come in on any meetings to discuss and show you that you are mistaken. They are even willing to do anything to make palaver.
* When there is a spiritual awakening, Satan tries to enter the assembly
Acts 5 / It was during a period of great awakening, while the presence of God was very strong among Christians and the people united in love to put together their property is that Satan entered by Annanias and Sapphira lie holders.
V3: "Peter said Annanias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to point that lie to the Holy Spirit ...."
When a revival broke out, watch out for Satan stands at the door to come to break the rhythm of God's people to break the momentum of his brothers by evil spirits of deception and discouragement.
3/Satan attack the Church in the area of spiritual gifts
lot of meetings where the spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit are encouraged know what I mean. Satan tries to sow the weed in these meetings.
It is a great counterfeiter. He can imitate the different spiritual gifts. There will
send false revelations that cause confusion, instability and divisive. Do not pay
our side as the devil himself if we give in one place, it certainly will occupy.
feel any spiritual gift in light of the Word of God. (Néh6/10-13; Apoc2 / 2)