L are friends of the forest n have not forgiven Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1440 AD can say thank you to the Internet. The digital revolution is putting an end to the civilization of our trade paper dematerializing speed of 100 megabits per second, much more soon. fax, letters Love, postcards, tax returns, books and newspapers printed ... Before ten years, maybe less, millions of tons of paperwork - which is still trying to recycle to save what remains of the Amazon jungle and forest European primary - will be relegated to the realm of antiques . As before her clay tablets of Babylon and Sumer, the papyri of the Pharaohs, and marble stones Greco-Roman.
With the incredible boom in smartphones ( Gartner, 525 million units will be sold in 2012, against 179 million in 2009!) and the advent of the Holy Tablet Apple (Gfk provides that the firm should sell to the apple iPad 4 million this year), humanity will indeed enter the era of ubiquitous portable touchscreen . Look around you: in the subway, on the street, at work, the reader of "Liberation" or "World" paper is scarce and older. Soon I'll the last of the Mohicans with some other club members nostalgic for the old school press. Result, the daily newspaper circulation is crumbling inexorably yet - 3.9% in 2009 all national newspapers according to the latest figures from OJD , with peaks at - 10% for some titles. Besides, since I gave in to pressure for progress and compliance, I flip over absently patting my duck preferred more and more frequently on the screen of my iPhone and frantically scrolling news and links. Because like other fellow mutants, I became a TweetJournaliste addicted to the Internet in real time. So ...
This will probably sadness in love with the printed word, but c ette dematerialization of writing is an unavoidable , one of these technological revolutions which tile masterly history every two or three centuries.

Before ten years in developed countries, the printed word may become paradoxically a luxury , a window reserved for some elite newspapers like Le Monde and Les Echos "which will draw thousands to a few limited editions copies. No need to be a genius to know that media will broadcast all the info (text, audio, HD video, 3D ...) in real time on handheld devices increasingly lightweight and ergonomic, which Cybernetics will be an extension of ourselves. Cete revolution is already underway on the iPhone and Blackberry. In publishing, idem: the paper will be a day set aside for first printings of the new literary and art books to , the bulk of production is available on the "readers" and other digital tablets .. . It will download soon the latest installment of the crazy black and huge James Ellroy as a pizza. Unless a beautiful hardcover book sold three times more expensive. It is inevitable with the online bookstore Amazon pushing to bring down the average price of the book at $ 9.99 in the same way that Apple has placed the song at 0.99 cents on its iTunes store.
For argument behind the beautiful "Green" climbing rising - "Hou is not all that great though paper waste that threatens the lungs of the Land that our forests are " - the economic logic of dematerialisation is much more relentless . Imagine: when you buy a € 1.30 daily, almost 80 cents go into paper, printing costs and distribution. The equation is the same for the book: 70% of the price of a book are now captured by the channel that leads to the bookseller's stall (see Figure this lovely site of the Union National Edition) "By passing this relic millennium tends to become the paper, industries are the press and publishing can expect huge productivity gains and nice margins found ... if you finally find a business model online. Obviously, there will still be the social destruction: hundreds of thousands of jobs worldwide in the paper industry, printing, press and publishing disappear into the oblivion of "progress". It's not for nothing that the "powerful" union CGT Paper, which is already a shadow of himself, clings to its status and its positions. A desperate struggle doomed to failure and contributes to stopping the financial newspapers. But that's dying an old craft that was long that of the aristocracy of the working class.
But before taking advantage of the dematerialization, media and publishing course will convince consumers they should pay for digital see when the culture of gratuity is the norm on the internet. And yet there is another story. For most readers, the newsstand is now known as Google News and it currently remains totally free .
The famous Apple iPad tablet could contribute to evangelism, as the iPod and iPhone have brought millions of music fans to abandon the sites of "peer to peer" and purchase their music online legally.
The pressure by Citizen Murdoch and others could change this if the press is able to form a common front against "vampire Google" as the called Rupert threatened a mass boycott by the newspapers in favor of Bing (Microsoft) or another Internet giant may be willing to donate one day a kind of "global license" to the press in exchange for the launch of its articles. Sitting on a pile of gold advertising, the masters of the Internet will be invited to share - a little - to live the cultural industries. It would not be outrageous to the extent that they live rather handsomely for content they certainly give access, but without paying one cent to produce.

Jean-Christophe FĂ©raud
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