Three months and ten days after the earthquake January 12, I thought it was time to prepare a brief assessment of the media who have suffered the most damage. The date of 100 days are fast approaching. She falls, I think, April 22. Thursday.
We start the series with the Roman Catholic service. The premises of Radio TV Sun have the distinction of being both destroyed by the earthquake, vandalism pui partly burned by the cloud of looters who was gunned down on the building of the palace, a few hours Only after the earthquake earth.
I met with the station's director, Father John Désinord, who explained how he could live out of his office on the first floor of the palace, within walking studios Radio Soleil, the famous Tuesday, January 12 at 4 am 53.
Sitting at his desk, he heard a noise and felt the building shake. Thinking of a problem of collapse of local, he rushed outside, s'aggripant the railing, when he understood that the ground out from under his feet.
"That's all I could do to find myself a few seconds after the middle of a really thick dust. It's as if I was eating. I thought I was dead. "
Global assessment of structural collapse kills two soldiers, a receptionist and an operator, a technician more seriously injured. Peruvian nationality, Joseph Luis Caraz Neyra, was repatriated to his country. Material balance: studios and much of the technical equipment destroyed by the debris, fire or stolen by looters. Ajourd'hui after retrieval of records, the site of the archdiocese was cleaned, removed and fully cleared.
The moment of stupor, the father Désinord John and his team were soon back to work. With this they were able to recover the debris (computers, STL transmitter, some tapes ...) and equipment brought from the Dominican Republic by the engineer of the station, they were able to mount a makeshift station they housed in the back of a minibus désafecté. A vehicle parked in the courtyard of the retirement home for priests of the archdiocese in Petion-Ville. A room on the ground floor has been put at their disposal for the administration and technicians.
disaster in its majority, forty members of the Radio TV Sun has worked hard. And from January 22, the radio emitted again.
100 DAYS LATER ...
Despite campaigns launched fundraising in churches worldwide, the station is working with few resources. If the radio has recovered more than 80% of its programming before the earthquake, much remains to be done, especially towards the production of programs, including Radio Soleil busy for other Haitian Catholic radio. However, the station was broadcast live events religious, whose feast day of St. Joseph at the bottom of downtown, and the highlights of three days from 16 th Charismatic Congress.
" We have very little equipment. We see in the medium and long term. We are creating a space on the court for prefabricated houses to accommodate at least to mount a production studio. Later a larger building will accommodate radio and TV " said Father John, a reporter at the microphone of Radio Notre Dame.
For Sun TV, the timetable for recovery remains unclear. "Sun TV, which opened May 3, 2009, was built with the contribution of believers. We really lost everything. Our transmitter site still exists. It will take much more time for radio Sun. We will continue to fight alongside the listeners and viewers. "
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