Beyond the gate, he again became lucid and sought his way slowly through the streets he knew more. The plan he had drawn in the morning was in her mind, but the city had changed the houses, built one upon another, made even more disparate by the dark, hardly opened lanes along which slid passersby. It seemed that by entering these streets were entering the houses during the mingled with the public squares, bridges went from one building to another and ran on top of buildings such as balconies interminable be found a bit of freedom is we were locked in a garden and it was necessary to discover a new way out, climbing stairs and dig through constructs which we knew if they ever lead outside. After wandering without hope, Akim reached a wide promenade lined with tall trees alone. Maybe it was the end of the city, maybe it was the beginning of a new life (...)
Maurice Blanchot, "The Idyll," The eternal rehashing
Maurice Blanchot, "The Idyll," The eternal rehashing
The story that reveals the possibilities of life does not necessarily call, but he calls a moment of rage, without which the author is blind to these possibilities excessive.
Les Illuminations; Godard Baudelaire
The way to live abroad in the city - how to make the very possibility of a foreign city, that is to say, Perhaps, each time in search of the city
which robs us. These two texts, read these days (reread for Battle - but it's always a first time that strips the look definitely, definitely each reading), and the articulation of the two, the stranger in the city, strength that his account of excess calls through two levers decisive formulation of the city. To talk about tomorrow *: These two stories needed - it will also, and obviously;
The Night Just Before the Forests
Michaux. The invention of the city face - his office Tomorrow atfantastic (which makes it possible), its exposure
political (the space hierarchy as sensitive), its street cornersorganizing spatially speaking: if unconscious is structured like a language, maybe this structure is it that of our cities.
Reid Hall, at the invitation of Veronica Lane and company Mahigan Lepage, so talk of the town and abroad that the people, one who written and recorded via the blog and photographs ; of his writing as an incentive to invent all sorts of shapes.
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