Monday, September 27, 2010

Anniversary Presents For Parents

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Vmelv grant is required is a file from the blue component of cardboard and papers can be purchased for any one of the libraries, which was worth two dirhams must be filled with the following:

personal information
address and residence certificate signed by the interests of the police profession
father or guardian with Ithbat annual income through interest Aldhareyep
collective life of the brothers and sisters
then attached to file the necessary documents: a certificate such as the work of the father or guardian certificate of sponsorship for those who have the command of the Crown other than his father Ozervp Mtenberp
and all these things explained to file

Note: For the last order he is not Marowov Many say that in the limits of September 11 or with the end of the month

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Genesis 19: 26

Singing: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me (Isaiah 61)

1. God has given you the power to become children of God. (John 1: 12)
2. You are new creatures in Christ ... All things are become new. (2 Cor 5: 17)

3. You are the temple of God and your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit .. (1 Cor 3: 16 and 6: 19)

The Holy Spirit and Jesus live in you from the moment you accept in your life. So whatever you do should honor God.

1. What is a messenger - messenger?
Definition: A person responsible for sending a message. :
RELIG. Messenger heavenly messenger of God (the angel of the Annunciation). An angel came down from heaven and the Lord's messenger (LAUTRÉAM., Maldoror Chants, 1869, p.319).

1. Here are some synonyms (7)

a. Ambassador (then we are ambassadors for Christ 2 Cor 5: 20) b.
Prophet (Believe in his prophets, you will succeed. 2 Chronicles 20: 20) c.
d. Advertiser
e. Commission
f. An envoy
g. Precursor

1. The Lord loves the messenger: Joshua 6: 16-17
Imagine how much the Lord loves the messengers! The prostitute was spared with his family, because she hid the messengers of the Lord. So imagine how much you are precious to God.

... We'll see ...

1. Who are the servants of God in this church.
2. God's expectations
3. The skills, talents and qualities to serve God
4. Your attitude
5. Promises of God (7)

1. Who are the servants of God in this church?
Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7

Many believe they are not servants of God because they are not a pastor or evangelist, regardless.

But the Bible says it well:''Go and teach all nations my disciples.''Come as is conjugated with YOU, then we are all called''Go for carrying the message of the Gospel''

2. God's expectations


· Genesis 3: 16''... and thy desire shall be to thy husband''
· Ephesians 5: 22''Women, as each is subject to her husband, as unto the Lord''


· Genesis 3 : 19''In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat''
· Ephesians 5: 25''Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church''


· Ephesians 6 : 4''And you fathers, provoke not your children, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord''


· Ephesians 6: 1-3''Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honour thy father and thy mother, that you're happy and you live long on the earth.''


· Ephesians 6: 5''Servants obey your master''

Your pastor is the master the Lord has chosen for your church. Do not obey you could bring bad luck''curse''because he is a servant to whom God reveals things hidden and more often you know very well.

3. The skills, talents and qualities to serve God

The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon us
Isaiah 11: 2-3
The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him:

1. Spirit of wisdom and understanding
2. Spirit of counsel and might
3. Spirit of knowledge and fear of the LORD

We give donations for his service
1 Cor 12: 8-11

to one is given through the Spirit

1. Word of Wisdom;
2. Word of Knowledge
3. Faith
4. the gift of healing
5. the gift of miracles
6. prophecy
7. discernment of spirits
8. diversity of languages
9. the interpretation of tongues

The qualities that we develop
Galatians 5: 22

The fruit of the Spirit is
1. love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Patience
5. Goodness,
6. Benevolence,
7. Faith
8. Gentleness,
9. Self-control.

4. Your attitude
Genesis 19: 26

Do not be like Lot's wife, constantly looking behind you ...
a. to the past, your sins ...
b. to the evil that you did ...
c. to the evil you have done ... It

your spiritual life is at stake. We become, spitituellement, as a pillar of salt, frozen, unresponsive and with no certain future.
Colossians 2: 14''because it erased the act and condemned the orders we survived against us, and he was removed by nailing to the cross, he stripped the principalities and powers, and delivered publicly, triumphing over them by the cross.

Look before you, to your vision, your mission as ...
· Woman - husband
· child destined to become great
· parents
· servant ------» MESSENGER OF GOD

A servant of God Denise Goulet, said, "Let us be kingmakers"
To our husbands, our wives, our children, our pastors, our friends, in short all those around us.

5. Promises of God (7)

1. 2 Timothy 4: 7-8''I fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. NOW, the crown of glory in store for me the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day, not only moi__ _ Chantal Bolia, but to all who have loved his appearing.''

2 . Psalms 37: 28''the Lord will not abandon his faithful.''

3. John 14: 2''I go to prepare a place.
4. Luke 10: 5-6''Believe in the Lord Jesus, and thou shalt be saved and thy house.
5. Ephesians 1: 11''In Him we have become heir.''

''The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few.''Matthew 9: 37

Call to Prayer:

Will you be working men and women of God You want

that the Lord will reveal your responsibility to advance
him ... you we will pray for you.

messenger by Deacon's wife Chantal Bolia
Ministry Alpha Omega Christian Mission / / https: / / register.facebook .com / ministereaomc / 819-664-9108
The only rights of authors are always include the source of this text. Copy and distribute the Spirit guide you.

MoHileme Church Church / Bible Institute EnseigneMoi - Campus MoHileme (IBEM-M) 747 Boul. St-Joseph, Hull GatineauService to Sunday 10:30 / 10:30 Sunday service amMercredi 18:30: Teaching / Wednesday 6:30 p.m. : Teaching Friday 18:30: Prayer / Thursday 6:30 p.m. : M-PrayerIBEM Saturday - Saturday 9:00 am